Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dressed To Lure or be Pure?

If you were to look into your closet right now what would you see? Would you see sweat pants? Jeans?  Miniskirts? As women of God, it is EXTREMELY important to think what kind of message you are sending about who you are based on what your wearing. The first thing most people notice when they meet a new person is how they are dressed. Even men. It not only our job, but our duty to keep those poor men's thoughts pure, not lustful.
I understand some women like that kind of attention and provoke those thoughts on purpose. Don't get me wrong. Almost every women likes to look her best, some more then others, but overall we want to look nice. The world tells us that if we want a mans attention or even just want to look good we need to wear tight miniskirts, crop tops, short dresses, butt-flashing shorts, anything that shows as much body as possible.  No doubt that WILL get a mans attention. But, is that really the kind of attention you want? Do you want a swarm of men following you around because they love your body? or because they like you as a person? And truthfully, the kind of men you should want to attract actually appreciate a women that dresses modestly.
No, you don't have to wear a nun dress. But how about a pair of simple jeans, white blouse, light brown jacket and flats? You can look fashionable and classy instead of, lets face it, a slut.
Men are bombarded with these kind of imagines everywhere. Almost to the point that they can't get away from from it. And it's kind of embarrassing.
So, next time your getting dressed look in the mirror and ask yourself:
"Am I dressed to lure or be pure?"

Thanks for reading!


"She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future." -Proverbs 31:25 
You probably laugh every day. If not, I am severely sorry. I am generally a happy person, and laugh basically every day. You may laugh at anything. Maybe your friend or co-worker cracked a joke, maybe you read something unbelievable like:
If you think over this past week you probably laughed at a lot of stuff. But. Did you laugh without fear of the future? Maybe this is just me but when I laugh I just laugh because something is funny, not because I'm not afraid of the future. 
I think everyone struggles with worrying about the future, or just worry in general. We worry about all kinds of stuff from big problems like "will I be able to afford dinner tonight" to "to watch another episode on Netflix or not, that is the question." (I must admit I struggle with the second one) Although God tells us that He will take perfect care of us, even better then we could, it is extremely hard to let go of all that worry. 
I encourage you that next time you feel that wave of anxiety or worry. Just laugh. Laugh without worry of the future. God will take perfect care of you. We can take peace in that. 

Thanks for reading! :)



Hello everyone!
This is, of course, my first post here on this blog. I was inspired to write a blog because I have all these ideas and thoughts swirling around in my brain and just don't have enough time to write a book about all of them.
Through this blog, I hope not just to inspire others but to get all these ideas out into the world and maybe see some action taken from them. I am not entirely sure what this blog will be mostly about but I hope to just write whatever I'm feeling, going through or ideas I may have. I also hope to do some fashion posts later on.
My blogger name, as you might already know, is ColdCoffee and, as you also might know, that is one of the names of the brilliant Ed Sheeran's song. As you might get from that, I enjoy music, reading, singing, fashion and writing.
At school, I am one of the "cool" kids and, sadly, am automatically put into the "shallow" category.  People judge me without even knowing who I am or what I can do.
I also hope that this blog will change that. Although I do enjoy fashion and usually dress up slightly for school, I AM NOT SHALLOW. I know who I am and embrace that.
I am also a Christian. I have been a Christian from birth and am strong in my faith. I hope that this blog will reflect God's glory and people will be able to see Him through what I write.

Thanks so much for reading! My next post should be more interesting. :)